LED grid-confocal measuring systems for industrial quality inspection and research

LED grid-confocal measuring systems for industrial quality inspection and research

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This means that they are well suited for industrial applications where speed is essential and for use in challenging environments. They can replace more costly and complex confocal technology for most applications including inspection of semiconductors, solar cells, flat panel displays, lens, medical devices and other precision components. MountainsMap imaging and surface analysis software provides a comprehensive and modular solution for visualizing 3D surface topography in real time and for analyzing surface texture and geometry. The software integrates the latest surface metrology standards and methods, for example ISO 25178 3D parameters and ISO 16610 advanced filtering techniques. Full metrological traceability is assured because every analysis step is recorded in a hierarchical analysis workflow and series of measurement data sets can be analysed automatically using a workflow as a template. Universal ASCII data export means that numerical results can be exported in Excel-compatible text files for interfacing with third-party systems.

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