LED light poses health risk warn Dutch experts
The report pointed out that a person’s biological clock “controls numerous physiological and behavioral processes” which "operates autonomously, but may be affected due to external factors. One of the most important factors is light.”
The Health Council of the Netherlands said that researchers have found that exposure to LED light in the evenings may interfere with people’s melatonin (sleep hormone) production and reversing their biological clocks. The report commented that “The short-term effects are shorter sleep, reduced attention, and increased risk of accidents. The long-term risks include development of cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease and mental disorders.”
The Council has warned that consumers must be alerted to opportunities to reduce the risks from LED lighting and has called for further research and development into products that emit less blue light, and further research into the health effects of LED light.
The Council has recognised that the blue light from LED light is potentially harmful to the eyes, but admits it is unclear whether the degree to which people are exposed is harmful.
In the advisory report, the Council points out that more products are being manufactured that feature LED lighting, and with each generation they are becoming brighter. The Council also claimed that the increased amount of time that people are spending in front of screens is contributing to the health impacts.
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