LED traffic signal module boasts 15-year warranty

LED traffic signal module boasts 15-year warranty

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By eeNews Europe

Consuming between seven to 12 Watts, the 12-inch red, yellow and green signal modules are extremely efficient compared to existing 20 Watt LED units and incandescent signals, which can use up to 150 Watts.

With many currently-used traffic signal modules well past their useful life of 10 years, cities and municipalities are now deciding where to go for their module replacements, Dialight said. The new integrated LED modules provide these groups an opportunity to enhance their traffic lighting systems with an efficient and durable product with a full performance 15-year warranty.

Offered in clear or tinted hard-coated lenses, the new XL15 LED traffic signal modules are fully compliant with the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) specifications — luminance and color uniformity, moisture intrusion, failed state impedance, transient suppression — while operating in extreme temperatures ranging from -40oC to 74oC.

The new 80-135V LED traffic signal modules are fully compatible with the existing traffic signal housings in the market and provide three-times the available warranty at a cost effective solution compared to existing LED modules.

The company debuts the new modules July 20-23 at the 2013 International Municipal Signals Association’s Annual Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona in booth No. 402.

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