Lighting dimmer-stabilizer reduces costs and power consumption for public lighting
In many locations the need to operate lighting at full power decreases considerably after midnight when vehicle and pedestrian traffic drops to minimal levels; however consumption levels are rarely adapted
Designed for use at airports, train stations, tunnels, roads, car parks, harbours, monuments, industrial facilities and in other spaces that require lighting for long periods, Gradilux uses state-of-the art technology that dims the lights and stabilizes power supplies.
Lighting installations can also experience voltage variations throughout the night, decreasing the lifetime of the lamps and increasing maintenance costs. By stabilizing power supplies, GradiLux reduces the need for inspections and lamp replacement. Gradilux delivers a fast payback time through a combination of reduced maintenance costs, savings in consumption and increased lamp lifetime.
Designed for use with lighting installations from 3.5 to 45kVA, GradiLux features 100% insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) technology for direct AC/AC conversion. The absence of a transformer means that equipment size and weight are reduced making it easier to integrate into lighting control systems.
Each lighting phase is regulated independently, and can be replaced separately if maintenance becomes necessary.
GradiLux can be intergrated into existing SCADA systems and also features communication technology that allows remote control and monitoring, via a wireless internet connection.
Automatic and manual bypasses ensure reliable operation of the lighting installation. The automatic bypass, independent for each phase, provides protection against overloading, high temperatures and malfunction. The manual bypass allows for maintenance, while keeping the lighting installation operational.
Varistors at the input and output avoid transitory overloading, while EMI filters provide protection in compliance with EMC regulations. These components are protected by fuses for protection against prolonged overloading.
GradiLux is suitable for use of all type of lamps, except LED and lamps equipped with electronic ballast.
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