Low-cost supercondenser innovation converts heat into electricity

Low-cost supercondenser innovation converts heat into electricity

Technology News |
By Field Editor

The supercondenser contains no expensive or hazardous materials, has patents pending, and should be able to be manufactured on an industrial scale.

The research results have been published in the journal Energy Environmental Science.

A supercondenser is energy storage: a type of battery that consists of an electrolyte of charged particles – ions – between two electrodes. The charge is stored next to the electrodes, most often in carbon nanotubes. One of the physical phenomena that the researchers have made use of is that if a supercapacitor is exposed to a temperature gradient – that is, one end is warm and the other cold – the ions rush towards the cold side and an electric current arises.

The thermoelectric effect is used to make electricity of heat; how much heat is converted to electricity depends both on which electrolyte is used and how great is the temperature difference.

For many years, researchers at the Laboratory for Organic Electronics have experimented with fluid electrolytes consisting of ions and conductive polymers. The positively-charged ions are small and quick, while the negatively-charged polymer molecules are large and heavy. When one end is heated and the other one cooled down, the small, quick ions rush towards the cold side while the heavy polymer chains stay where they are. Since they are ions, and not electrons, they stick to the metal electrodes. The charge that then arises is stored in carbon nanotubes next to the metal electrodes, and can be discharged whenever the electricity is needed.

Postdoctoral students Dan Zhao and Hui Wang, and doctoral student Zia Ullah Khan, found the right polymers after years of fruitless experiments. They produced an electrolyte with 100 times greater ability to convert heat to electricity than the electrolytes normally used.

“We still don’t know exactly why we’re getting this effect. But the fact is that we can convert and store 2,500 times more energy than the best of today’s supercondensers linked to thermoelectric generators,” said Professor Crispin.

The electrolyte contains only non-hazardous, simple, and cheap materials that are stable and can be handled at room temperature. The ion-driven thermoelectric supercondenser therefore opens up new possibilities of storing solar electricity, to take one example. The research has resulted in two patents; the hope is that the results will lead to an entirely new type of energy storage that can be mass-produced on an industrial scale.


Ionic Thermoelectric Supercapacitor, Dan Zhao, Hui Wang, Zia Ullah Khan, Roger Gabrielsson, Magnus Jonsson, Magnus Berggren and Xavier Crispin, Laboratory for Organic Electronics, Linköping University, and C Chen, Xiamen University, China. Energy Environmental Science, The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016, DOI 10.1039/C6EE00121A

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