Magnetically shielded power inductors: high inductance and high Isat versions
The XAL1510 Series offers a combination of high inductance values (up to 33 µH) and current rating as high as 39.0A, in a package that measures 15.4 x 16.4 mm and has a maximum height of 11.0 mm. For even higher current applications, the XAL1580 Series offers Isat ratings up to 111A, with a 15.2 x 16.2 mm footprint and maximum height of 8.2 mm.
Both series offer very low DCR – down to 0.70 mΩ for the XAL1580 – and their soft saturation characteristics make them suitable for VRM/VRD applications. They feature RoHS compliant tin-silver (96.5/3.5) over copper terminations and offer a maximum reflow temperature of 260°C. XAL1510 and XAL1580 Series feature a proprietary composite core that is not subject to thermal ageing issues associated with other iron powder core inductors.