Manual and automatic model checks in one tool
Developed by Berlin-based software company Model Engineering Solutions GmbH (MES), the tool allows quality managers, function developers, and reviewers to execute their respective workflows comfortably and according to their needs. In this way, resources and work products can be allocated in the best way possible in MXAM. The tool allows quality managers to create a project-specific setup, make the guideline selection, configure checks, as well as define ignore-lists and artifacts. Further company guidelines and checks can be added. In cases where exceptions are necessary for specific parts of a model, annotations with a justification can be added and regularly saved. If this goes into the peer review, these results are also visible to the reviewer. The MES Model Examiner (MXAM) will perform automated guideline checks of MATLAB Simulink/Stateflow, MathWorks Embedded Coder, dSPACE TargetLink, SparxSystems Enterprise Architect, and ETAS ASCET models. It ensures compliance with modelling guidelines and safety standards (ISO 26262, IEC 61508, DO 178C etc.).
MXAM is available in three editions: the MISRA Compliance Solution for MISRA-compliant model development and the Functional Safety Solution for safety-critical model development. MXAM offers a separate ASCET Solution for ASCET users.
Model Engineering Solutions GmbH (MES) –