Mass flow sensors set new performance standards

Mass flow sensors set new performance standards

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By eeNews Europe

In addition to meeting the same packaging and calibration specifications of the AWM3000, the PMFc3000 offers enhanced interchangeability by dramatically improving the initial output tolerance to less than 2% Full Scale, compared to more than 5% for the AWM3000.

The PMFc3000 sensor die uses a pair of compound thermopiles surrounding a central heating element to detect changes in temperature gradient caused by mass flow, delivering excellent signal-to-noise, and unsurpassed repeatability. The sensor’s internal signal conditioning circuitry leverages an off-the-shelf microcontroller, providing proven reliability and low cost.

The PMFc3000 series of mass gas flow sensors covers the ranges from 30 to 1000 sccm and can be special ordered with any Full Scale range between 10 and 2,000, balancing customers’ need for performance and cost efficiency.

The sensors are fully calibrated and compensated over the temperature range of 0 to 50°C.

Availability and Pricing

Samples are available now. 1,000 piece price: $49.95/piece.

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