Measurement solution tackles Automotive Ethernet

Measurement solution tackles Automotive Ethernet

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By Christoph Hammerschmidt

The 10Base-T1S trigger, decode, measure/graph and physical layer (TDME) solution provides powerful triggers, transparent colour-coded decode overlays, log tables and search capabilities, measure/graph (M) functionality with automated measurement and graph tools, and eye diagram (E) functionality for physical layer evaluation and troubleshooting. level.

Autonomous driving ADAS and vehicle electrification are the two biggest trends in automotive technology. Both require greater computerisation of vehicles as large amounts of data are needed in real time. To realise this, a vehicle network with high redundancy and few central units (“domain controllers”) is needed that meets all requirements for vehicle control up to autonomous driving at the lowest possible costs and highest reliability. For the conversion of all vehicle networks to Ethernet-based standards,10Base-T1S is regarded as an important step, since it reduces the complexity of vehicle networks and increases reliability and speed.

It provides the missing link in the automotive Ethernet ecosystem and enables true 10Mb/s Ethernet-to-the-edge connectivity, where sensors and actuators become part of the Ethernet network. A unique aspect of 10BASE-T1S, that differentiates this from all other automotive Ethernet technologies, is its support for a multidrop topology, where multiple nodes are connected over the same twisted pair cable. Another distinction is the use of Physical Layer Collision Avoidance (PLCA) technology. In order to avoid collisions of data packets, each participant has a fixed ID and an assigned transmission opportunity which are assigned according to the rotation principle.

Against this backdrop, Teledyne LeCroy claims is the first manufacturer to integrate vehicle network analysis into an oscilloscope with a trigger and decoder solution. The vendor’s new 10Base-T1S solution leverages these continuously refined and growing analysis capabilities, providing insight into all system-relevant parameters, helping to check signal integrity and find errors on the signal and data side even faster.

Trigger, decoding, measurement/graphics and physical layer (TDME) solution means:

  • Comprehensive and powerful 10Base-T1S trigger (“T”): Automatic mapping of the subscriber ID to a MAC address is done based on PLCA cycle analysis and simplifies trigger/decoder setup. It is possible to trigger on Beacon, ID, ID + DATA, Commit/Sync, ESD and CRC error.
  • Conditioned Data Trigger Setup (“T”): The conditioned trigger allows complex data conditions to be triggered. This is particularly useful in situations where abnormal events are to be monitored, e.g. when asubscriber reports an engine speed that is too low or too high, or a coolant temperature that is too high.
  • – Intuitive, colour-coded decoding overlay (“D”): A transparent overlay with colour highlighting of the different areas of the protocol and of the entire message packetpacket makes it easier to understand the serial data information. Unlike other solutions where the protocol decoding information is displayed outside the signal, here the signal representation and the protocol decoding correlate directly on the display. If the acquisition length is extended or shortened, the decoding overlay adjusts to display just the right amount of information.
  • – Interactive table summarises the results (“D”): With a tabular display of the decoded information, the oscilloscope turns into a protocol analyser. By customisingand filtering the table, only the data of interest is displayed. Tapping or clicking on a message in the table automatically displays the corresponding waveform as a zoom on the screen. Each table can be exported for offline analysis. Up to four different decoded signals of any type can be displayed simultaneously in the table.
  • – Measurement/graphic tools for validation efficiency (“M”): Quick validation of cause and effect through automated timing measurements between data packets or analogue signals and data packets helps to understand PLCA timing issues. Serial (digital) data content can be converted to an analogue value and plotted to monitor behaviour over time. These functions help validation to be carried out more quickly and allow better inference of possible errors.
  • – Eye diagrams (“E”): The ability to filter the decoded data by specificsubscriber IDs, along with the eye diagram display, helps identify physical  level and PLCA cycle problems. Measurement of eye parameters to quantify system performance and custom mask n help identify anomalies. Mask violation can be displayed graphically and oscilloscope acquisition can be stopped automatically.

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