Mentor’s FloEFD CFD too gains sliding mesh, water film and enhanced radiation capabilities

Mentor’s FloEFD CFD too gains sliding mesh, water film and enhanced radiation capabilities

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By eeNews Europe

New features include a sliding mesh model for rotating equipment such as pumps, fans, and blowers; water film simulation to calculate surface condensation and icing film thickness; together with radiation and lighting enhancements. These new capabilities support automotive industry initiatives for developing state of the art lighting products as well as enabling manufacturers to design better pumps, fans and blowers.

The FloEFD product is a leading general-purpose CFD software solution for the mechanical design market, and the new enhancements were developed to help engineers create more accurate simulation environments for their products. New key features include:

• Sliding mesh modelling: allows users to create more realistic simulation of rotating equipment when fluid quantity is highly non-uniform around a rotating part (such as a pump or fan) and cannot otherwise be calculated with circumferential averaging.

• Surface condensation and evaporation: the new water film model is valuable for situations where surface condensation, evaporation, icing and de-icing exploration is essential, such as condensation on the inner surfaces of a vehicle headlight.

• Enhanced radiation modelling: The new ray-based (band-less) spectral model for lighting and radiation allows users to dramatically decrease time required for defining wavelength-dependent properties while increasing simulation accuracy of spectral characteristics. Gaussian surface reflection for more precise simulation of reflected radiation is also included. Inclination of solar rays from the parallel can now be taken into account too thus allowing capture of solar radiation in greater detail.

• Usability and visibility enhancements: The new release of the FloEFD product features an improved parametric study capability. It allows the user to group input variables to simplify scenario definition, filter parameters, highlight impact on results of a specific parameter, and conduct built-in comparisons thus increasing parametric study efficiency and dramatically decreasing the size of the stored data when hundreds of variants are calculated.

• Improved visualisation: The addition of GPU-based dynamic trajectories allows users to highlight flow details better and easily adjust the animation speed as well as appearance of trajectories in real time. A popular MPEG-4 codec has also been added for the creation of attractive animations without requiring enormous amounts of disk space.

“We recognize the challenges our customers face, particularly those in automotive systems design, and our latest version of FloEFD provides significant support for this market,” stated Roland Feldhinkel, general manager of Mentor Graphics Mechanical Analysis Division.

Mentor Graphics;

The Mentor Graphics thermal simulation and analysis products claim the largest installed base of any thermal design tool supplier. In 1988 Dr. David Tatchell and Dr. Harvey Rosten founded Flomerics, Ltd. and launched what became the FloTHERM product family. Mentor Graphics acquired Flomerics along with its MicReD (Microelectronics Research & Development) development group in 2008, and now offers a portfolio of simulation, analysis, and test/measurement solutions;

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