Mitsubishi boosts IGBT module to 2000V

Mitsubishi boosts IGBT module to 2000V

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By Nick Flaherty

The T-series module from Mitsubishi Electric is the first IGBT module with 2.0kV withstand voltage and fights back against standard modules at 1700V. The module is aimed at 1500V renewable-energy DC power converters, which are in high demand due to the growing use of renewable-energy power supplies but harder to design with 1700V verision.

The CM400DY-40T module has four series-connected 2000V IGBTs and two clamp diodes connected to voltage-neutral point in one leg. The 400A current enables development of simpler and smaller DC1500V-rated power converters without need for complex topologies such as three-level NPC.

The seventh generation IGBT use a structure called CSTBT3 where the carrier cumulative effect and RFC (Relax Field of Cathode) diodes are optimized for high withstand voltage.

Power semiconductors for efficiently controlling electric power are attracting wider application and increasing demand as key devices that can help to lower the carbon footprint of global society. Meanwhile, power grids that use renewable-energy power sources are required to realize increasingly higher power-conversion efficiency through deployment of higher system operating voltages.

The power module with 4kV isolation targets industrial converters rated at DC1500V, the upper limit of the Low Voltage Directive in the EU.

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