MOSFETs lower RDS(on) for Hot Swap designs

MOSFETs lower RDS(on) for Hot Swap designs

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By Nick Flaherty

To manage the high in-rush current that can occur when swapping a server board or other pluggable system, or to ensure that a processor board is brought up smoothly, a MOSFET with high SOA is used in conjunction with a  hot swap controller. Previous generation parts have traded off SOA against RDS(on), whereas the new technology maximizes SOA without affecting RDS(on), thereby maintaining high operating efficiency levels.

The PSMN3R7-100BSE MOSFETs improve SOA with a four-fold improvement in linear mode performance compared to standard technology, yet have a maximum RDS(on) of only 3.95 mΩ (3.36 mΩ typ.) – around 18% less than previous devices. These N-channel 100V devices are available in the D2PAK package, qualified to 175 ºC. Devices are fully compatible with hot-swap controllers from all leading manufacturers

“Server and communications infrastructure companies are packing more and more processing power onto their blades and rack-based systems, continually pushing up power requirements,” said Mike Becker, Nexperia’s product manager. “Reliable hot-swap operation is essential to manage the in-rush currents experienced during start-up, but as power levels rise and efficiency requirements increase, then low RDS(on) is also becoming more important.”

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