Mounting LEDs in all angles and directions – Essemtec presents assembly technology for LEDs on 3D-MID
For lamp manufacturers, 3D-MID is an interesting alternative to traditional LED assembly on PCBs or aluminum substrates. It allows LEDs to be placed in any angle and direction. Therefore, radiation direction can be controlled without lenses or mirrors. Mounting LEDs into a cavity concentrates light; LEDs on a convex surface disperse light. Essemtec will introduce this exact assembly technology at the LED Professional Symposium 2011 in Bregenz, as well as at the LED Praxis Entwicklerforum 2011 in Würzburg.
Marcel Freiermuth, Manager Solutions at Essemtec, will present on the topic “3-D LED Component Assembly Enables New Product Designs” on September 29 within the framework of the LED Professional Symposium.
Additionally, Essemtec AG will exhibit its fully automatic dispensing system CDS6200 with micro-dispensing valves at the LED Professional Symposium, taking place from September 27-29 in Bregenz. To meet with dispensing specialists or for a live demo, visit Essemtec on booth No. 14.
The dispensing systems of the CDS-series are flexible platforms that can be modularly adjusted for numerous applications, and feature a vast standard selection of valves and functions at their disposal. Programming and operating remain easy and enable the flexible adjustment of process parameters in operation. It can be equipped with two dispensing heads simultaneously.
Micro dispensing valves are interesting for small dosing dot sizes and non-contact dispensing applications such as for dosing LED lenses. The micro dispensing valve dispenses small drops (from 2 nl) with the highest volume repeatability. The valve can be exchanged easily, and the fluidic part can be separated from the drive part for simple cleaning and maintenance.
At both the LED Professional Symposium and LED Praxis Entwicklerforum, Essemtec will offer developers and users the ability to exchange information with its assembly professionals on-site. For free exhibitor passes to the Expo in Bregenz, contact