Mouser adds BeagleBone AI
BeagleBone AI, created by the Foundation, is powered by a TI Sitara AM5729 processor that integrates a dual-core Arm Cortex-A15 subsystem, as well as two TI C66x DSPs and four embedded vision engine (EVE) cores with TI Deep Learning (TIDL) support. For displays, an Image and Video Accelerator with a High Definition (IVA-HD) subsystem, 2D graphics accelerator, and a dual-core 3D GPU support 4K graphics at 15 fps.
BeagleBone AI also features 1 GByte RAM and 16 GBytes onboard eMMC flash, two dual-core programmable real-time units (PRU), and a pre-installed Debian Linux distribution. For connectivity, the board has Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11ac Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 4.2. A mechanical header provides compatibility with BeagleBone Black. Connectors are also included for micro-HDMI, USB Type-C, SuperSpeed dual-role controller, and USB 2.0 host.
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