MSC offers 19 new low power 32-bit MCUs for body applications in automotive electronics
The V850E2/Fx4-L MCUs, which were primarily designed for body applications in automotive electronics, are equipped, among other things, with an integrated wakeup sequencer (SEQ). The SEQ enables monitoring of digital inputs in deep stop mode without any usage of the CPU or memory resources. As soon as the SEQ detects activities at the digital inputs, the device automatically switches from deep stop mode to run mode. A further innovative feature of the device is the integrated LIN-master controller (LMA), which enables an automatic LIN-frame detection without CPU interactivity.
As successor to the V850ES/Fx3 family, the newly developed V850E2/Fx4-L MCUs, which are fully compatible with their predecessor models, offer a performance of up to 1.96 Dhrystone MIPS (DMIPS)/MHz. The V850E2/Fx4-L MCUs incorporate a maximum CPU clock up to 64 MHz.
Additional features of the new V850E2/Fx4-L MCUs, which are equipped with flash memory ranges from 256 KB up to 1.5 MB, include an integrated 32 KB data flash that can be overwritten up to 100,000 times and guarantees a data retention of 20 years. Furthermore, an enhanced peripheral set is implemented, including PWM generation, up to two CAN interfaces as well as eight direct memory access (DMA) channels.
Fully-verified AUTOSAR Release 3.0, Release 3.1 and Release 3.2 microcontroller abstraction layer (MCAL) software drivers are available for the new V850 MCUs. A version for AUTOSAR Release 4.0 is in development. To comply with the AUTOSAR requirements, new system protection functionality (SPF) has been implemented in all V850E2/Fx4-L devices. The SPF includes a memory protection unit (MPU) and a system register protection (SRP).
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