Multibus tool for the reliable analysis and testing of Car2x functions
As a multibus tool, CANoe/CANalyzer places inter-vehicle communication in time-based relationship with electronic vehicle networks such as CAN, LIN, FlexRay and MOST. This is an important prerequisite for the development of driver assistance functions based on Car2x data. To stimulate individual pWLAN packets, there is the WLAN Packet Builder with an intuitive user interface; it makes it easy to create and send correct as well as corrupted pWLAN packets for test purposes. For more complex simulations of traffic scenarios with vehicles (ITS Vehicle Stations) and infrastructure (ITS Roadside Station), the Car2x developer can utilize specific function libraries provided in CAPL. An existing radio adapter may be used as the WLAN interface hardware for communication between vehicles or between vehicle and infrastructure. It can be used together with the vehicle application or exclusively as a measurement interface. The connection to CANoe/CANalyzer.Car2x is made flexibly via an open interface.
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