Nanoscale-printed smart sensor consortium formed

Nanoscale-printed smart sensor consortium formed

Technology News |
By Rich Pell

ANSSeM will be a consortium of companies and universities working on smart sensors made using nanometer-scale printing. The funding, intended to last five years, was provided by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative’s Collaborative Research and Development Matching Grant Program.

The Commonwealth’s investment will be matched by nearly $11 million in outside funds, highlighting the critical partnership between industry, academia, and public partners across Massachusetts

The consortium includes Northeastern’s George J. Kostas Research Institute for Homeland Security, as well as at Tufts and the University of Massachusetts in Boston. Corporate partners include Rogers Corp., General Electric; Milara Inc. Raytheon, HC Starck and GloTech/OptoGlo.

The ANSSeM consortium will work with the Nanoscale Offset Printing System (NanoOPS), a manufacturing technology pioneered by Northeastern University’s Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN). NanoOPS can print nanoscale sensors and devices as small as 20 nm and can print 100 to 1,000 times faster than current inkjet-based electronic and 3D printing.

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