Network interface for V2X communication tests
The VN4610 is a network interface box with USB interface for accessing IEEE 802.11p and CAN / CAN FD networks. Users benefit from the simple reception and transmission of IEEE 802.11p messages when implementing his Car2x/V2X applications. The received IEEE 802.11p messages are transferred to the application synchronously to the CAN (FD) messages. The built-in GNSS receiver provides the GNSS time and the current GNSS position.
The VN4610 meets all hardware requirements for the safe testing of DSRC applications via IEEE 802.11p radio channels. For analysis purposes, it sends all received messages from the two radio channels unfiltered to the test tool, such as CANoe. Car2x, forward. The advantage for the developer is that messages that would be rejected by an ECU due to timing, geo-information or Car2x/V2X protocol errors are also analyzed. In addition, latency measurements can also be performed, since the time stamps of the messages on the bus channels are synchronized.
In conjunction with the CANoe .Car2x test tool, the VN4610 offers a coordinated solution for creating an environment simulation for testing Car2x/V2X applications. The user uses the VN4610 interface to send the transmitted messages and can configure the communication parameters individually for the different tests.
More information: www.vector.com/vn4610