New chip to solve quantum computing roadblocks

New chip to solve quantum computing roadblocks

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By Wisse Hettinga

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The goal is to make quantum computers faster, more efficient, and scalable, enabling them to tackle challenges like drug discovery, cybersecurity, and AI

The European Commission is investing in a groundbreaking quantum chip that combines light and electronics for the first time, promising faster, more efficient quantum computers.

Supported by the Quantum Flagship, the ONCHIPS consortium is laying the foundations for a new type of quantum hardware with advanced materials that have never been combined before.

The team hope to make quantum computers more practical for real-world applications and enable them to solve the most challenging problems we face in the world today– unlocking new possibilities for science, industry, and everyday users.

To make this vision a reality, the ONCHIPS consortium is turning to Germanium-Silicon (GeSi) – a material whose ability to efficiently emit light was only discovered in 2020.

Quantum computers are set to be exceptionally powerful tools for solving certain types of problems, like simulating molecules for drug discovery, optimising complex systems, or breaking encryption. However, researchers seeking to scale them up to the size face significant hurdles.

Just as the first computers of the 1950s were impractical and unsuitable for widespread adoption due to their enormous size and limited processing power, today’s quantum computers have their own challenges, particularly with their fundamental building blocks, or ‘qubits.’

“One major issue of scalability is that qubits are often limited in their ability to interact with one another,” explains project coordinator Professor Floris Zwanenburg, full professor at the University of Twente’s MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology. “As the number of qubits increases, effective communication between them becomes more complex.”

But Germanium-Silicon (GeSi) presents a viable solution to overcome these bottlenecks.

“We are combining spin qubits for computation and photonics for communication on a GeSi platform that is compatible with traditional CMOS manufacturing, which could be a total game-changer for scaling quantum computers. By combining spin qubits (electrons) with photonic communication (light), the chip bridges the gap between processing quantum information and transmitting it over long distances. This will significantly help us solve a major bottleneck in quantum scalability,” Professor Zwanenburg said.

Strengthening Europe’s Quantum Independence

By integrating quantum components with CMOS-compatible GeSi, ONCHIPS brings Europe’s quantum ecosystem together with its established semiconductor industry.

The success of the ONCHIPS project could reduce reliance on imported advanced chips for quantum technologies and contribute to Europe’s goal of technological sovereignty. The project hopes to bolster Europe’s ability to produce advanced quantum chips domestically and position Europe as a pioneer in scalable quantum systems.

Set to conclude in 2026, ONCHIPS brings together a consortium of leading European organisations. The partners include Universiteit Twente in the Netherlands, which coordinates the project, along with Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Netherlands), Technische Universität München (Germany), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (France), Universität Konstanz (Germany), Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (Hungary), and the Dutch company Single Quantum BV.

For more information about ONCHIPS and its groundbreaking work, visit the ONCHIPS project website.

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