New generation of 1200 V CoolSiC trench MOSFETs improve efficiency

New generation of 1200 V CoolSiC trench MOSFETs improve efficiency

New Products |
By Christoph Hammerschmidt

Infineon’s new generation 1200V CoolSiC MOSFETs enable higher efficiency and power density than before. The transistors enable bidirectional charging; they are also said to reduce system costs in on-board charging (OBC) and DC-DC conversion applications.

According to the manufacturer, the 1200 V version of the CoolSiC family features extremely efficient switching performance, with 25% lower switching losses compared to the first generation. The improved switching behavior enables higher switching frequencies, which in turn leads to higher power density and smaller system sizes. With a gate-source threshold voltage (VGS(th) ) of over 4 V and a very low ratio between the feedback capacitance (C rss) and input capacitance (Ciss), the new generation enables reliable turn-off at V GS = 0 V without risking parasitic turn-on. This allows unipolar control, which should significantly reduce system complexity and cost. In addition, the new generation features low on-resistance (R DS(on)), which reduces conduction losses over the entire -55°C to 175°C temperature range.

Advanced .XT build and interconnect technology results in improved thermal characteristics of the package. The improved connection to the cooling system reduces the junction temperature of the SiC MOSFET by 25% compared to the first generation. In addition, the MOSFET features a creepage distance of 5.89 mm, meeting package-level requirements for 800 V systems without requiring additional deposition steps in the application.

The device is available with a variety of variants with different R DS(on) to enable optimal matching to the specific requirements of different applications. Among them is the – according to Infineon- only 9 mΩ variant currently available on the market in the TO263-7 package.

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