New generation of active sync modular harmonic filters handles dynamic power

New generation of active sync modular harmonic filters handles dynamic power

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

The FN3530/31/40/41, FN3532/42 and FN3545 now includes support for mixed load and dynamic load profiles and achieve a THID under 5%.

The filters guarantee compliance with the toughest requirements of IEEE-519 and other stringent international power quality standards while being the most compact active harmonic filters available in the market.

The modular approach provides optimal customer-tailored solutions that can be easily installed as wall-mount devices using 60Arms power modules. The modules are available in IP20 and IP21 protection class and in 3-phase 3-wire and 3-phase 4-wire configurations. Two power modules in a master-slave architecture can be configured as a dedicated solution for 120Arms and the Double Power Pack (DPP) offers real 120Arms without derating up to+ 50°C. An extended temperature range for the power module of 0 – 50°C full performance runs up to 55°C with derating.

For higher current ratings, up to five modules can be connected in parallel to mitigate harmonic current up to 300Arms. This can be done either as a wall-mount solution or within Schaffner’s new IP54 air-cooled cabinet. 

The FN3430/31/32 modules are designed for 50Hz and 60Hz, 380VAC to 400VAC 3-phase 3-wire power grid, while the FN3440741/42 is designed for 50Hz and 60Hz, 380VAC to 415VAC 3-phase 4-wire grid. Power modules and DPP are available as protection category IP20 (IP21 as an option), while cabinet versions are of IP54. All filters are CE marked and RoHS compliant.

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