Newest Open 3D Engine for Robotic Simulations
O3DE 23.05 levels up the authoring experience for game creators and robotic simulation developers
The Open 3D Foundation (O3DF), home of a vibrant, diverse community focused on building a first-class, open source engine for real-time 3D development, has released 23.05, the latest version of the Open 3D Engine (O3DE), bringing enhanced usability and stability improvements, as well as new capabilities, for developing games, robotic simulations and other 3D applications alike. O3DF is also announcing the first-ever O3DEJam, taking place virtually this weekend, May 5-7, 2023.
With more than 5,915 code commits and 3,114,400 lines changed, this new release represents deep open source contributions and offers several improvements aiming to make it easier for developers, artists and content creators to build 3D simulations for AAA games, robotics simulations and various other 3D applications across AI, metaverse, digital twin, automotive, healthcare, and more.
In addition to several enhancements to the core engine, the O3DE 23.05 release introduces significant support to level up the authoring experience for game creators and robotics simulation developers.
“With O3DE, you can actually write ROS 2 code inside your simulation project. We made use of the fact that O3DE is C++ based so it is quite easy to have a direct integration with ROS 2,” said Adam Dabrowski, VP of Robotics and Simulation at
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