Next-generation Z-Wave 700 now on Wireless Gecko platform

Next-generation Z-Wave 700 now on Wireless Gecko platform

By eeNews Europe

The technology was acquired through the company’s strategic acquisition of Z-Wave technology in April 2018. The Z-Wave 700 standard improves energy efficiency and adds higher performance and longer range RF capabilities.

Z-Wave 700 uses a powerful ARM processor-based platform with large on-chip memory for greater intelligence at the edge and secure inclusion in under a second. The platform can operate on a coin-cell battery life for up to ten years. Enhanced RF performance also extends the range of Z-Wave 700 devices.

There are no requirements for regionalised SAW filters, meaning Z-Wave 700 can be used worldwide.

Developers can use Silicon Labs’ Simplicity Studio development platform to access the software tools needed to create Z-Wave 700-based designs.

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