NFC or Bluetooth smartphone-triggered access control only takes a second
In operation, onTouch enables users to open doors and to pass through turnstile gates by simply touching an Android or iOS smartphone to a door or gate reader. The smartlock is activated by either NFC or Bluetooth wireless technology and can open in about one second. By significantly increasing entry and exit tempo, onTouch reduces peak congestion, improves visitor and employee safety and convenience, and makes secure, traceable smartphone-triggered access commercially viable to a much wider range of applications than was previously possible.
What’s more, BlueID’s smartphone-based onTouch is available as a simple and free firmware enhancement to BlueID’s established app-based ACCESS authorization management platform. An Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware upgrade is available for smartlocks already installed in the field.
When using BlueID’s current product, authorized users can operate smartlocks by opening the BlueID smartphone app and pressing the unlock icon. The app also enables users to access other smartlock functionalities such as dead locking a smartlock when leaving a building. This mode of operation suits situations where high security is critical.
But as smartlocks move into applications where fast entry and exit is a priority, such as corporate buildings and universities, onTouch allows rapid smartlock operation without the user needing to access the app. Providing the app is running in the background on the smartphone, location services enabled, and foreground/background scanning switched on, users just need to touch the device to the entry-point reader to open the entrance.
BlueID GmbH – www.blueid.net