Nikola to complement fuel cell-powered range of semitrucks with BEV versions

Nikola to complement fuel cell-powered range of semitrucks with BEV versions

Business news |
By Christoph Hammerschmidt

As the company announced through a series of announcements on Twitter, three battery sizes – 500 kWh, 750 kWh and 1,000 kWh – will be offered for the Nikola Two and Nikola Tre semitrucks.

Thereafter, both the fuel cell and battery electric versions of the two models will be unveiled at Nikola World 2019 in Phoenix in April. While the versions with fuel cells are designed for long distances, the manufacturer also wants to serve short distances with the BEV variants. “The battery electric versions are intended for city centres and applications where weight is not so important,” the company explains on Twitter. The version with battery weighs almost 2.27 tons more than its fuel cell counterpart.

Nevertheless, fuel cell vehicles will remain the main focus at Nikola Motors, the company assures. It expects a ratio of 50:1 in favor of the fuel cell drive. The company also provides information on the range: A fully loaded battery-electric truck with a weight of 80,000 lb (about 40 tons) consumes 2.25 kWh per mile for a maximum range of 400 miles, it is said. Taking into account the fact that only 90% of the battery capacity should be consumed, and the possible influence of the weather, Nikola Motors says that the reliable range is 300 miles (483 km).


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