Nordic and Quuppa enhance Bluetooth location services
The two companies have been partners since 2016 and the latest firmware running on Nordic’s nRF52832 BLE/Bluetooth 5 SoC, uses the Bluetooth LE protocol to transmit the ‘Angle-of-Arrival’ (AoA) radio packets which determine the position in space of a Bluetooth LE transceiver. Bluetooth 5.1 Direction Finding improves on this technique by providing simplified access to the Bluetooth LE protocol’s IQ signal data for the Quuppa positioning engine. The technology has been employed by major Bluetooth beacon and tag manufacturers for tracking applications with accuracies down to a few centimetres.
Quuppa’s previous long-term experience working with Nordic’s nRF52 Series architecture will significantly extend the ecosystem of RTLS solution providers and applications based on the technology. Further expansion will be encouraged by Bluetooth 5.1 Direction Finding’s interoperability between products from different vendors and the next generation of smartphones.
Nordic’s nRF52811 SoC is one of the first Bluetooth 5.1-compatible commercial solutions and incorporates a 64MHz, 32-bit Arm Cortex M4 processor which provides ample overhead for supervising both the Bluetooth RF software protocol and the RF profile positioning engine firmware.
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