Nordic Bluetooth 5.1 SoC in stock at Rutronik

Nordic Bluetooth 5.1 SoC in stock at Rutronik

By eeNews Europe

Besides the additional Bluetooth 5.1 capabilities, such as Bluetooth Direction Finding and Bluetooth Long Range, the SoC supports 802.15.4 for Thread and Zigbee communications.

The nRF52811 is part of the nRF52 Serie making migration between devices simple. The nRF52811 is powered by a 64MHz Arm Cortex-M4TM processor with 192KB Flash and 24KB RAM. Along with common interfaces including SPI, UART, TWI, PDM, PWM and QDEC, the SoC features comparators and a 12-bit 200ksps ADC. The SoC comes in three different package options, all compatible with the respective nRF52810 SoC.

The nRF5 SDK v.15.3.0 provides Thread and Zigbee connectivity, but some features of the SoC, such as Bluetooth Direction Finding will not be available till later in the year. The nRF52840 Development Kit can be used as a development kit for the nRF52811 by emulating it.

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