NXP to offer emWin graphic library free with ARM microcontrollers

NXP to offer emWin graphic library free with ARM microcontrollers

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By eeNews Europe

Using emWin, basic UI design can be performed easily via a stand-alone tool which separates UI design from firmware development, speeding the design of LCD applications in consumer electronics, home appliances, medical devices and industrial equipment.

Compatible with both single-task and multi-task environments, emWin is ideal for use with the LPC1788 , the industry’s first Cortex-M3 microcontroller featuring an integrated high-performance LCD controller, as well as other NXP Cortex-M0, Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, ARM7 and ARM9 MCUs.            

“No matter where you turn, both consumers and business users expect higher quality graphic displays than ever before – on mobile devices, in home appliances, and in industrial environments. We’ve addressed this by delivering the world’s first Cortex-M3 MCU with an integrated high-performance LCD graphics controller, the LPC178x series, in addition to our other graphics microcontrollers. Now we’re providing our customers free access to emWin – an elegant, robust graphic library and GUI which is a cut above comparable offerings on the market today, and will greatly simplify LCD design and accelerate time to market,” said Gene Carter, international product manager, microcontroller business line, NXP Semiconductors.

The emWin graphic library and GUI are available to current NXP microcontroller customers for free via an installer.

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