Open Compute Project’s first carrier grade specs

Open Compute Project’s first carrier grade specs

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By eeNews Europe

The open architecture for CG-OpenRack-19, based on the Radisys contributed OCP-Accepted OpenRack specification and Adlink’s OCP-Accepted OpenSled specification, uses the latest Intel Xeon Scalable Processors with Intel C620 eries chipsets.

The specification offers telecom data center operators the benefits of open platform standards combined with the needed carrier-grade and environmental enhancements required for Edge Computing in telecom data center environments. The open system approach drives innovation in the market and allows operators to avoid vendor lock-in that comes with propriety solutions.

“As the networking and communications market continues to transform itself into a virtualized network, including Edge Computing technologies, the need for operators to integrate multiple hardware and software assets is one of the most critical factors in NFV/SDN and Multi-access Edge Computing deployments in the next few years,” said Jeff Sharpe, director, strategic product planning at Adlink.

“Non-proprietary open architecture enables a broad spectrum of partners and suppliers, while reducing their total cost of ownership,” said Bryan Sadowski, vice president, FlowEngine and DCEngine, Radisys.

“Based on collaboration with our CSP customers and partners, OCP for carrier-grade deployments is one of the best ways to reduce costs and provide faster time-to-market. Radisys is commited to enabling open telecom solutions in this emerging ecosystem.”

Adlink and Radisys are active members in OCP and have been instrumental in defining a technology path to an open architecture solution for the telecom industry. Radisys laid the foundation for the OCP-Accepted CG-OpenRack-19 spec by submitting definitions for the frame, power, interconnect and sled dimensions.

Its DCEngine is the industry’s first open hardware solution based on the specification.

The OCP-Accepted OpenSled spec, based on Adlink’s OCCERA (Open Compute Carrier-grade Edge Reference Architecture), enhances the original spec by providing definitions for the internal configuration options of the CG-OpenRack-19 sled, including options for key appliances to utilize additional components inside the sled.

The platform is said to provide compelling benefits across a broad variety of use models, including big data, artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, enterprise-class IT, cloud, storage, communication and Internet of Things (IoT).

Feature enhancements over previous versions of Intel Xeon Processor-based platforms include 1.5x memory bandwidth, integrated network/fabric and optional integrated accelerators.

Download Adlink’s OCP-Accepted OpenSled specification or Radisys’ CG-OpenRack-19 specification from the OCP website –

Adlink –

Radisys –

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