Open-source RISC-V processor ideal for IoT

Open-source RISC-V processor ideal for IoT

New Products |
By Rich Pell

Piccolo, says the company, is a three-stage RV32IM processor whose small “footprint” is ideal for many IoT applications. A royalty-free synthesizable Verilog core that can be easily integrated and deployed into an ASIC or FPGA is available on GitHub.

Bluespec will actively maintain Piccolo. The company also offers commercial-grade tools for the customization and verification of RISC-V cores, and configurations will be continually added to provide “the full spectrum” of embedded controller features.

“Embedded system developers want freedom to innovate and simplification of their development cycle,” says Charlie Hauck, CEO of Bluespec. “The answer is easy access to reliable open-source RISC-V cores that are portable across all technology platforms. Companies need to make product and business decisions free from the constraining license and royalty terms of proprietary IP business models.”

RISC-V, says the company, has demonstrated that open collaboration can produce an industrial strength instruction set architecture (ISA). The independent RISC-V Foundation maintains the ISA and has over 100 members, including companies like Google, Nvidia, Qualcomm, NXP, Samsung and many others.


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