Oscilloscopes enable frequency response analysis using Bode plots
With a the RTx-K36 software option, users can analyze the response to frequency changes from 10 Hz up to 25 MHz without any additional piece of equipment and at a fraction of the price of dedicated systems.
Equipped with the RTx-K36, the oscilloscopes can display Bode plots for both phase and gain against frequency simultaneously. For performing control loop response and power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) measurements, or for characterization of passive components, the vector network analyzer-based methods often do not cover frequencies under 9 kHz, or are simply too costly for smaller budgets. When using the RTB2000 entry-level oscilloscope, it is possible to make frequency response measurements from 10 Hz at almost half the price previously offered on the market.
Apart from the conventional time domain measurements available with oscilloscopes, and the wide range of general-purpose measurements supported, with the new Bode plot application the RTB2000, RTM3000, and RTA4000 can also perform gain and phase frequency response analysis. All three oscilloscope families come equipped with 10-bit ADCs not available on other oscilloscopes in their class, enabling superior vertical dynamic range compared to existing oscilloscope-based solutions.