PCI cards expand PC/CAN interfaces

PCI cards expand PC/CAN interfaces

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By eeNews Europe

The new PCI cards expand the CAN-IB range, consisting of PCIe, PCIe-Mini and PCIe-104 cards.

Due to their modular design, the CAN-IB interfaces can be used in a wide variety of applications. Besides up to four high-speed CAN channels, the low-speed CAN standard is also supported. Furthermore, the interfaces can be equipped with up to four LIN or K-Line interfaces as well as customer-specific interfaces upon request.

This flexibility is made possible by the verified and tested concept already used in the PCIe cards – consisting of piggy-back extensions and expansion cards. Both cards are available in the standard and low-profile format and can optionally be supplied with galvanic decoupling.

While the CAN-IB300/PCI is a cost-efficient passive card, the active CAN-IB400/PCI has a powerful 32-bit micro-controller system which enables intelligent handling and active filtering of the messages to be sent and received on the card. This feature is particularly handy in applications with high demands on data pre-processing. All CAN-IB cards are supported not only by the IXXAT Windows driver packages (VCI), but also the real-time driver packages (ECI for Linux, RTX, Intime, QNX, VxWorks).

HMS Industrial Networks at

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