Perovskite patents double in last two years

Perovskite patents double in last two years

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

The report “Perovskite Photovoltaic: A review of the patent landscape 2010 – 2018” finds more than 3000 patents were published and granted patents between 2010 and the end of September 2018. Of these patents, 52% were published and granted within the past 18 months. Much of this is driven by the development of tandem cells that have a perovskite layer on top of a traditional silicon photovoltaic cell as development moves from academic research to commercialisation.

Oxford Photovoltaics, which has plants in the UK and Germany, still leads with more than 180 published and granted patents, and the top four patent assignees are all commercial organisations. However, only six of the top fourteen patent assignees are commercial – the rest are academic, including imec in Belgium. The top fourteen patent assignees hold a total of 969 published and granted patents, holding 25 or more each. The top four hold 561 of these, and the top six commercial assignees hold 639 compared to the top eight academic assignees who hold collectively 319 published and granted patents.

However recent commercial activities could signal a change. At the end of August 2018 commercial published and granted patents are just ahead of academic filings for year-to-date and this small change may be a early signal that commercial filings may be set to overtake academic filings.

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