Photonic quantum processor ships with 20 equivalent qubits

Photonic quantum processor ships with 20 equivalent qubits

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

QuiX Quantum in the Netherlands has launched its largest photonic quantum processor.

The processor was developed at the QuiX plant in Enschede and has a record number of number of optical qumodes at 20, comparable to 20 qubits.

The quantum photonic processor is a device that can be used to manipulate light for computations. Such processors are the heart of a photonic quantum computer.

The quality of the processor is set by the amount of light which is lost when traversing over the processor – the less the better. QuiX Quantum has succeeded in producing a processor which has simultaneously very low optical losses of 2.5dB and the largest number of qumodes.

The processor consists of an optical chip on which the interference occurs, which is packaged in a plug-and-play control box. It is fully calibrated, temperature stable and the dedicated control software allows seamless integration with all photon sources and detectors currently on the market and are used in the French, German, British, and Hungarian quantum ecosystems.

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