Platform uses AI and V2X to optimize traffic flow

Platform uses AI and V2X to optimize traffic flow

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

Smart infrastructure equipped with both line-of-sight sensors such as camera and radar and V2X for non-line-of-sight sensing enhance safety while optimizing mobility at the same time. NoTraffic’s platform can be deployed anywhere in the world, making city intersections safer and more efficient. The advantages include keeping vulnerable users such as pedestrians and cyclists safe, providing priority for emergency vehicles and public transportation, enabling autonomous vehicles to safely traverse intersections and managing traffic in order to augment road capacity and enhance mobility. 

NoTraffic’s platform gets its capability of communication with vehicles through V2X subsystems which in turn are equipped with chipsets from V2X semiconductor pioneer Autotalks. This company’s deployment-ready, 2nd generation V2X chipset is the world’s first available solution which supports both DSRC based on 802.11p/ITS-G5 standards and C-V2X based on 3GPP release 14 and 15 specifications with embedded V2X cyber-security functionality. The chipset allows customers to easily toggle between DSRC and C-V2X communications. NoTraffic’s platform includes fusing various sensor data (camera, radar, V2X) at intersections working directly with a centralized system in the cloud to enhance traffic flow and road user safety. The integration of Autotalks’ V2X chipset enables NoTraffic to use vision sensors to improve V2X effectiveness. 

Autotalks and NoTraffic are spotlighting their integrated solution at the 7th EcoMotion Main Event, a show exhibiting Israel’s smart transportation sector, being held at at EXPO Exhibition Grounds in Tel Aviv on June 11th, 2019. 

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