Power Factor Correction chip has 98 percent full load efficiency

Power Factor Correction chip has 98 percent full load efficiency

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

Power Integrations has launched a power factor correction chip with 98 percent full load efficiency for PC and TV power supply designs.

The HiperPFS-4 power factor correction (PFC) controller IC adds an integrated Qspeed low reverse recovery charge (Qrr) boost diode to give the efficiency in applications between 75 W and 400W.

“Designs using HiperPFS-4 ICs show very high efficiency across the load range with as little as 36 mW of no-load power consumption at 230 VAC,” said Edward Ong. Product marketing manager at Power Integrations. ”The HiperPFS-4 family is ideal for PCs and TVs, and also for battery chargers, power tools, industrial power supplies and LED lighting. The active devices incorporated into HiperPFS-4 ICs are rated to 600 V, which eases compliance with frequently requested 80% de-rating specifications.”

The HiperPFS-4 IC combines continuous conduction mode (CCM) PFC control circuitry, the boost diode and a 600 V MOSFET in one device. Including the boost diode reduces heatsink mounting, leading to a simpler design and better thermal performance. 

The integrated Qspeed diode also provides greater robustness against AC line surges since parasitic trace inductances are minimized, which in turn reduces voltage spikes seen by the power switch during transients by up to 50 V. The integrated 600 V MOSFET is therefore easily able to meet the 80% de-rating requirement when delivering a 385 VDC constant-voltage bus.

A lower 20 percent loads the HiperPFS-4 achieves a power factor of greater than 0.95 as the Qspeed boost diode is optimized for continuous conduction mode PFC operation featuring very low reverse recovery losses that approach the performance of silicon carbide devices without the additional cost.

 The HiperPFS-4 power factor correction (PFC) controller IC packaged with a QSpeed low Qrr boost diode is available now in volume product quantities. Devices are priced starting at $1.56 in quantities of 10,000. For more details contact a Power Integrations sales representative or one of the company’s authorized worldwide distributors: Digikey, Farnell, Mouser, and RS Components.

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