Qoitech’s Otii Premium software now at Digi-Key

Qoitech’s Otii Premium software now at Digi-Key

By eeNews Europe

Otii simplifies the power measurement of applications and devices, and combines the capabilities of several different test and measurement hardware tools into the Otii Arc, to make it easier to pinpoint which sections of code, peripherals, and hardware contribute most to the application’s power consumption.

Otii Software Premium License gives developers access to battery profiling, simulation and scripting capabilities in Otii software. Using the Lua scripting language, Otii Arc can profile batteries, allowing different batches of the same cell to be compared, or to evaluate their performance under different environmental conditions. Lua scripting also enables automated testing.

Randall Restle, VP, Applications Engineering at Digi-Key said, “Qoitech’s Otii solution allows developers to ‘power optimize’ their code to improve battery life. Providing our customers with Otii Premium is a perfect fit for IoT applications developers.”

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