Quantinuum shows 50 logical qubits

Quantinuum shows 50 logical qubits

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By Nick Flaherty

UK/US quantum developer Quantinuum has developed a quantum system with 50 logical qubits with a fidelity of over 98%.

This is the largest system with logical qubits using the Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) state, an entangled quantum state that involves at least three qubits. Logical qubits are vital for scalable, error corrected fault tolerant quantum computers.

“To achieve industry scale quantum computing error correction, the high-level requirements are capable hardware and software combined with collaborative code and algorithm design,” said Dr David Hayes, Director of Computational Theory and Design at Quantinuum and the leader of the Quantum Error Correcting team at the plenary session of the Q2B conference in the US today.  

Quantinuum has developed quantum charge coupled device (QCCD) hardware with all-to-all connectivity, which supports any and all error correction codes and a new in-house programming language that enables complex logical circuits. It also worked with Microsoft and University of Colorado at Boulder on high-efficiency codes for the system.

Hayes anticipates using this for a future workflow that allows quantum error correction researchers and application developers to work together to build better quantum algorithms. 

THis follows Google’s announcement at Q2B of a 105 qubit processor called Willow with real time error correction.


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