Raspberry Pi farm design challenge

Raspberry Pi farm design challenge

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By Ally Winning

To assist in the development of these micro plots, element14 will give 20 applicants a challenge kit that features a Raspberry Pi 4 2GB SBC and multiple Pi accessories. The accessories will help with environmental monitoring and building in a confined space. The accessories include the Pimoroni PIM487 Automation Hat, PIM486 Enviro Hat, and the Pico HAT Hacker PC.

Participants should use the challenge kit to design a high-tech farming system that only takes one square meter. Potential ideas include:

• Zero gravity enclosure

• Edible algae growing system

• Electronic planting and picking operation

• High growth density mini-farm

• Entirely self-contained farming system

• Robotic pest management system

The ‘One Meter of Pi’ Challenge is now open until the 23rd November. The winners will be announced at the end of November. The first prize is a 13” Macbook Air, Pimoroni 8” Retro Arcade Kit and $200 Carbon Offset. Runners up will get an iPad10, 32GB, Pimoroni 8” Retro Arcade Kit and $100 Carbon Offset. Other competitors who complete the challenge and blog about the build process and outcome will receive a USB Solar Bank, Reusable Metal Straw and Cutlery Set.

The 20 challenge kits will be available to participants that apply online until 7th September. Recipients will be announced on 14th September. Design Challenge participants who receive the kits must use all elements of the kit in their projects and post their progress and final project in at least one blog post.

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