Raspberry Pi gets 3D TOF capture

Raspberry Pi gets 3D TOF capture

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By eeNews Europe

The ToF module offers a resolution of 352×288 pixels (100k) and operates in the measuring range of between 0.1 to 3m with a measuring accuracy of ±2%.

“Pieye Nimbus 3D brings the industry-proven time-of-flight technology to Raspberry Pi and is aimed at B2B customers in inventory management and warehousing who, for example, need to monitor fill levels,” explains Markus Pröller from Pieye. “Users in research and development, education, and robotics – such as for gesture control – can also benefit from the camera modules’ features, offered through a cooperation with Makerfactory. Typical users of the Nimbus 3D in the B2C market are makers, hobbyists and inventors as well as model-making enthusiasts.” 

The time-of-flight technology integrated into Pieye’s Nimbus 3D determines the distance between the lens and the object via the propagation of modulated light pulses. The camera produces a distance value for each pixel and makes this so-called ‘point cloud’ directly available for evaluation.

Since time-of-flight technology enables 3D measurements with a single sensor, the especially compact design is of great advantage for use as top fixture with Raspberry Pi for object recognition, gesture control or robot navigation.

Conrad Electronic –

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