Real-time 3D athletes tracking feeds teams with new stats
Specifically designed as a compact wearable token for professional and other high-level competitive teams, the BeSpoon Sport Edition allows athletes to gain access to comprehensive game statistics and metrics such as distance run faster than 7km/h, average acceleration and jump height.
Delivered in real time, the data allows teams to measure and analyze player movement in three dimensions and provide immediate feedback to improve performance.
"These next-generation statistics immediately give coaches, players and fans new insight into the action on the field", claims the company whose technology was implemented across the Chambery Savoie Handball team, a professional team in France – see the a YouTube video.
Using portable computers near the team’s bench, coaches and players are able to optimize training and step up their game. The system also generates player statistics during games for fans to view.
"It was amazing to see how quickly the tracking system was implemented by our team," said Laurent Munier, general manager of Chambery Savoie Handball. "After a few minutes, our athletes and coaches figured out how they could take advantage of the immediate feedback and engaged with the tool to improve their performance."
BeSpoon’s impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) technology can track individuals’ or objects’ positions and movements to within a few inches, measures the time of flight of an UWB signal, and is impervious to interference by nearby people or objects. The BeSpoon Sport Edition combines BeSpoon’s technology and SportTracking Fusion software.
Visit BeSpoon at www.BeSpoon.com
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