Real-time HD video stabilisation targets surveillance on the move

Real-time HD video stabilisation targets surveillance on the move

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

StableEyesHD automatically senses and corrects horizontal, vertical and rotational scene movement, which is irrelevant and tiring for the operator to watch, leaving only the local movement that is of interest making it much easier to notice and respond to.

The technology is not fooled by mild defocus and works in the presence of rolling shutter problems. Users can selectively program the rate of change of global movement that is corrected to optimise the device behaviour to the application. Movement detection is purely based on image processing, with a latency of only 100ms.

Removing unwanted camera shake and picture rotation, RFEL’s FPGA-based proprietary algorithms perform all these corrections at frame rates up to 30fps from a 67x90x118mm standalone unit operating from 7.5 to 24V and drawing less than 10W.

The unit which will be launched with live demonstrations at Counter Terror Expo 2015 is aimed at any surveillance application that is subject to camera or sensor platform movement, such as drones, or boat- or vehicle-mounted cameras. Versions of StableEyesHD are available for most common video standards and it is simply installed by plugging it into the existing video cable connections, taking the video feed in and outputting the corrected video.

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