Real-time, video processing system blends multiple channels

Real-time, video processing system blends multiple channels

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Manufactured in the UK and not restricted by ITAR regulations, the unit runs RFEL’s high performance video processing blocks on the latest FPGAs to perform intelligent fusion of multi-modal imagery, such as from a visible and IR sensor. The purpose of image fusion is not to simply blend the images by crude averaging, or by an overlay technique commonly available within video analytics toolkits, but is to form a composite image based on selecting the best features from both images on a per pixel basis. If one of the modalities has no discernible image features in a particular region of the field-of-view then this image information should not be used, as it would degrade the composite image. If features are present in both modalities, then this information should be combined in an optimum sense.

Image stabilisation is supported even when the platform is subject to severe vibration, and when imagery is sparse in features or of low contrast. Contrast enhancement maintains high performance operation in marginal lighting conditions, visible and IR. Noise reduction is used to optimise operation in low ambient light and for ensuring robust image fusion. HALO also supports digital zoom, lens distortion correction, image overlay and support for compression standards. The unit operates from a power supply of between 4.7 and 27V DC. Housed in a rugged enclosure, the full system measures 105x105x80mm and weighs less than 400g. A range of physical interfaces are available, with all major video standards supported, from analogue video (e.g. PAL/NTSC/S-Video) through to digital standards such as Channel Link standards and GigE, both with full 1080p. The required interfaces can be configured in the factory to tailor the system to bespoke applications. In addition to the HALO rugged enclosure product, RFEL offers HALO as board-only OEM variant and as a system-on-module variant to support highly integrated system developers.

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