Research project aims at development process for autonomous e-cars

Research project aims at development process for autonomous e-cars

Technology News |
By Christoph Hammerschmidt

At the end of the Hy-Nets4all research project, more than just a method for developing cars is to be developed. The aim is to develop a holistic process with which functions for automated driving can be developed and secured for electrified vehicles. The energy requirements of the vehicles are also to be reduced, and the vehicle concepts are to be adapted to the charging infrastructure. As if that were not enough, the tool chain developed will enable cars to behave cooperatively in order to optimize traffic flows and reduce emissions.

In the predecessor project “Hy-Nets”, which was successfully completed in January 2019, the participating companies and research institutions had already demonstrated that energy and thus emissions can be saved with the help of smart tool chains. In the Hy-Nets4all approach, simulation models and real components are to interact and be used for the further development and validation of driving functions. The journeys will be performed in the virtual representation of the city of Paderborn as a simulation environment. In addition to V2X communication, the existing or future charging infrastructure will be considered in the simulation.

To be able to investigate the interactions of different vehicles and vehicle types in one environment, several electric cars will be simulated in one environment. By integrating the real components combustion engine, electric machine and power electronics on the test bench, real emission values and energy requirements are measured.

This approach allows the interaction between vehicle, driving behaviour and traffic flow as well as the effects of cooperative driving functions to be represented in a real control loop. Electrical components can be developed and optimized in a resource-saving manner, and driving functions can be efficiently safeguarded.

The resulting validation platform is to be accessible to users such as car manufacturers and suppliers via a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) interface, thus enabling cross-site and cross-manufacturer work. Last but not least, the tool chain to be developed will massively shorten development and test times for electric vehicles and driving functions. “In addition, the project makes a further contribution to resource-saving mobility,” says Hagen Haupt, Director Simulation Models & Scenarios at Hy-Nets4all consortium leader dSpace.


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