Research project makes fuel cell performance data comparable
The test procedures described in the current DIN standards – which equal the corresponding IEC standards carrying the same number – describe in the first place the basic safety requirements for fuel cell modules. The description of the test methods however is relatively open to divergent interpretations, which leads to test results that are not exactly comparable. To improve this situation, the VariPrüfBZ research project has been launched.
Involved are the Next Energy research centre (Oldenburg, Germany), the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Freiburg, Germany) and the Centre for fuel cell technology ZBT (Duisburg, Germany) which also coordinates the activities. The researchers will devise a test matrix which will serve as a guideline for a range of tests of various commercially available fuel cell modules. These tests will be carried out over the next months. "In a round-robin test, we will repeat this procedure as far as possible on the test stands of all project partners", explains project manager Corinna Harms. "Thus we can determine the exactness of the test procedure and at the same time we receive indications between the various parameters."
The performance characteristics gathered will help the researchers to devise cognitions on how factors such as measurement exactness, lab conditions, transport, air and water quality affect the results. The goal is more transparency and comparability in the standards-compliant test of fuel cells. In addition, the group hopes to initiate the development of a new standards draft focusing on performance tests of fuel cell modules. The results will be presented in a series of workshops at the beginning of 2016 at the ZBT in Duisburg.
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