Researchers investigate ground radar for vehicle navigation

Researchers investigate ground radar for vehicle navigation

Technology News |
By Christoph Hammerschmidt

Current production vehicles primarily use satellite-based technologies for positioning, but optical sensors are also used. However, in certain scenarios, especially outdoors, these have weaknesses in accuracy and robustness or require additional installations. In contrast, a sensor that enables localisation based on the properties of the ground offers a more reliable solution, according to the idea of the Braunschweig researchers

In the LoBaBo research project, they are investigating radar-based sensors and methods for one- or two-dimensional detection of the structure of the road surface. This should enable mapping with sufficient resolution. Based on the data obtained, a clear determination of the pose (location and orientation) is to be carried out using suitable mapping and matching methods. In the future, vehicles or mobile robots will be able to navigate reliably in outdoor areas without additional installations.

Mapping methods are used to create maps from the georeferenced soil data. With the so-called matching procedures, map data and currently measured radar data can be processed. Matching is used to determine the location and orientation of a vehicle in real time with sufficient resolution and accuracy.

The TU Braunschweig develops localization algorithms for localization along a trajectory (1D-localization) and on a surface (2D-localization). It is investigated how the radar data have to be pre-processed and which localization algorithms are best suited. The radar measurements are compared with map data and the determination of the transformation, i.e. the change of direction. In addition, a continuous and a discrete position update is determined using radar technology. Finally, the position determination will be verified with a test vehicle for indoor and outdoor cases.

Results of the LoBaBo research project are expected in January 2023. Besides the TU Braunschweig, a number of industrial companies are involved, among them Götting KG in Lehrte and SF Microwave GmbH from Braunschweig, a spin-off from the Institute for High Frequency Technology at TU Braunschweig.

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