RF recorder captures wideband multi-GNSS signals, synchronized in time and frequency
The R&P platform selected by ESA features the RP-5300, a compact 2-channel wideband RF recorder designed to record live RF signals in the field, and the URT-2200 RF player for GNSS. The company’s R&P solution is powered by RF Studio™, a high-performance RF recorder and playback software specifically designed for RF designers and researchers, to facilitate recording, analysis and storage of RF signals.
Galileo currently has four satellites in service and upon completion it will consist of 30 satellites and ground infrastructure.
The Averna RP-5300 RF Recorder is specifically adapted for all GNSS applications, including Galileo, GPS, GLONASS, and Compass (BeiDou-2). The system has two 50-MHz wide channels that can be tuned on any frequencies from 330 MHz to 2500 MHz. To address the many synchronization and coherency challenges of GNSS testing, Averna has developed a proprietary software/hardware architecture that allows control and tight synchronization between multiple recording channels and systems under the 1 ns level.
“Averna’s RP-5300 is the leading commercial product offering two 50-MHz wide channels that can capture such a wide range of real-world RF signals, complete with the interference and general degradation that end-users will experience. Two units can even be interconnected to enable a 4-channel, phase-coherent synchronized recorder,” commented Brendan Wolfe, Director of Market Development for Averna.