Rohde & Schwarz to test satellite chipsets for IoT-NTN

Rohde & Schwarz to test satellite chipsets for IoT-NTN

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Rohde & Schwarz is to conduct a comprehensive set of tests for NB-IoT over non-terrestrial networks (NTN) to accurately verify two-way internet of things (IoT) data.

This will assess various operating modes using GEO constellations using the latest NTN Release 17 satellite chipsets from Qualcomm.

The test set covers time and frequency synchronization from prolonged delays and the Doppler effect, low signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), power saving mechanisms, satellite ephemerides, GNSS acquisition and more.

R&S CMW500 Protocol Testing Framework scenarios and the R&S CMW 3GPP Release 17 NTN IoT protocol enabler on a single R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester will help engineers assess their NTN NB-IoT devices powered by Qualcomm Technologies’ NTN chips under realistic conditions.

The R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester emulates GSO and GEO satellite base stations in combination with the R&S SMBV100B, which generates GNSS signals. Establishing a real-time, comprehensive connection with the simulated GSO/GEO satellite network lets engineers test relevant signalling and RF scenarios in line with 3GPP Release 17. 

Non-terrestrial networks can provide global coverage on land, at sea and in the air for IoT applications by providing uninterrupted connectivity. Geosynchronous orbit (GSO) and geostationary orbit (GEO) satellites ensure consistent communication by enhancing performance and user experience even under challenging conditions.

IoT device developers must understand the unique aspects of GSO and GEO, since each orbit has special benefits. Despite their apparent movement, GSO satellites cover higher latitudes like the Earth’s poles, enhancing reach of IoT. GEO satellites are fixed in relation to Earth and provide continuous regional coverage, which is ideal for constant IoT connectivity and simplifies antenna design, reducing costs. Selecting the right orbit is vital when optimizing IoT device performance, connectivity reach and overall techno-economics.

“Our extensive experience with the 3GPP wireless, satellite and aerospace ecosystems make us a trusted provider of optimized solutions for an industry leader like Qualcomm Technologies in the emerging NTN market,” said Alexander Pabst, Vice President Market Segment Wireless Communications at Rohde & Schwarz,

“Having been close collaboration partners with Rohde & Schwarz for years, we are happy to utilize their simulation tools to validate that Qualcomm Technologies’ IoT-NTN solutions are 3GPP Release 17 compliant,” said Vieri Vanghi, Vice President, Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “Our joint expertise ensures that OEMs integrating the Qualcomm 212S or Qualcomm 9205S SoCs benefit from best-in-class, low-power, standards-compliant solutions to achieve superior performance in a rapidly evolving landscape.”


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