Rohm opens SiC power building

Rohm opens SiC power building

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Rohm has  opened a new building at its Apollo Chikugo plant to boost production capacity of SiC power devices.

The new building is a state-of-the-art environmentally friendly factory that introduces a number of energy-saving technologies to its production facilities, with 100 percent of its electricity coming from renewable energy sources.

In addition, ROHM has strengthened its BCM (Business Continuity Management) system by introducing various disaster countermeasures. It is installing production equipment this month and plans to build a manufacturing system that can meet the medium- to long-term increases in demand for SiC power devices starting in 2022. The company has been mass producing SiC power devices including SBDs and MOSFETs since 2010,

In addition to this new building, SiCrystal GmbH, a Rohm Group company that manufactures SiC wafers, is scheduled to start operating with 100% renewable energy from the next fiscal year, reducing CO2 emissions from purchased power at the plant to zero. As a result, all major production processes for SiC wafers will use environmentally friendly renewable energy.

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