RX65N MCUs now support DDS-XRCE for ROS 2

RX65N MCUs now support DDS-XRCE for ROS 2

By eeNews Europe

Support of the DDS-XRCE framework will allow the development of software to control sensors and actuators in robotic applications. The Robot Operating System (ROS) provides libraries and tools for developers of robotic applications. ROS 2 extends ROS access to embedded MCUs, and accelerates the development of service robots.

Renesas has implemented an eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS client on an RX65N MCU. The demonstration uses two RX65N MCU-based boards – one as a sensor operating as the eyes and nose of a robot, and one as an actuator operating as the robot’s hands and legs. The company verified the successful control and communication of these devices using the DDS-XRCE. All software used in this demonstration will be open sourced and be available in Q4 2018.

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